Forliset er beskrevet i boken "Fra de hvite seils dager", av Halfdan I.
Drevdal, hvor det fortelles at BAROSSA drev med strømmen nedover
norske kysten med bunnen i været. Utenfor Lyngør ble det foretatt forsøk
på berging, noe som ikke lykkes før vraket var utenfor Arendal som hadde
slepebåt. Vraket ble tauet inn til Morvikfiorden ved Grimstad, snudd og
pumpet lens.
Mastene var ødelagt, men skroget var tett, så vraket ble tauet til
Sarpsborg for lossing, deretter kondemnert.
Ref.; Aarbog for Norges Handelsmarine utgitt i 1910:
Bark BAROSSA av Larvik, paa reise Riga-Sarpsborg med
cellulosetømmer, kantret 24 oktober i Skagerak. Av besætningen, 14 mand,
er kun 1 i live, nemlig russeren 2.den styrmand Julius Berg, der kom
drivende ind til Hvalerøerne mandag 25 s.m. sammen med liket av 1.ste
styrmand Hansen.
Paa skipsinspektørens foranledning blev sjøforklaring avholdt paa
St.Joseph’s Hospital, hvor 2den styrmand Berg blev avhørt.
Skipsinspektøren i østenfieldske distrikt finder:
1. At fartøyet ved avseilingen fra Riga maa antages at ha været i
sjødyktig stand og forskriftmessig utstyrt.
2. At fartøyet hadde et middeldypgaaende av 16 fot og 1/2 tomme.
3. At ladningen, der besto av cellulosekub, var ordentlig stuet, at
dækslastens høide var 3 fot, og at der til avstivning var 125 tons sand
i bunnen.
4. At fartøiet den 21 oktober grundstøtte ved Aaen på Bornholm, kom
flott ved egen hjelp efter 1 1/2 times forløp og fortsatte reisen.
5. At fartøyet paa grund herav har faat lækage, der stadig forvaerredes,
intil der var 10 á 12 fot vand i rummet, da Helsingør passertes.
6. Den 24. kantret fartøiet i Skagerak, medens det slørte for en storm
av SSV med høi sjø.
7. At ulykken maa tilskrives den omstændighet, at fartøiet mistet den
fornødne stabilitet paa grund av, at vandet sto 10 á 12 fot høit i
rummet, hvorved fartøiet kantret i den voldsomme sjø og sterke storm fra
8. At Capteinen undlot at ankre i Øresund og forsøke tætning av lækagen.
9. Da kapteinen er forulykket, gir saken ikke anledning til nogen
forføyning fra det offentliges Side, men henlægges. |
The accident is described in the book "Fra de hvite
seils dager", by Halfdan I. Drevdal, where it’s told that BAROSSA
drifted with the current along the Norwegian coast with the bottom up.
Off Lyngør it was made an attempt to save the wreck, but no success
before the wreck reached off Arendal and a tug was available. The wreck
was taken in to Morvikfiorden in the Grimstad area, turned and water
taken out. All masts was broken, but no damage to the hull. The wreck
was then taken under tow to Sarpsborg for saving of cargo and the ship
was then condemned.
Ref.; Yearbook of the Norwegian Merchantfleet of
Barque BAROSSA of Larvik, on route
Riga, Latvia - Sarpsborg with cellulose timber, capsized 24 October in
Skagerak. Of the whole crew of 14 men, only one survived, namely the
russian 2nd mate Julius Berg, who came drifting in to Hvaler Islands on
monday 25 same month, together with the body of 1st mate Hansen.
The authority ordered a Maritime accident inquiry and it was held at St.
Joseph’s Hospital, were the 2nd mate Berg was questioned.
The ship inspector of the ”eastern part of southern Norway” district
1. That the ship upon arrival Riga, must be seen as seaworthy and
equipped according the regulation.
2. That the vessel had a mean draft of 16 ft and ½ inch.
3. That the cargo, consist of cellulose timber, was securly fastened,
and the cargo level on deck was abt. 3 ft, and as ballast, she had 125
tons of sand in the bottom.
4. That the vessel at 21 October grounded at Aaen on Bornholm, came
afloat by own means after a 1 ½ hours and continued the voyage.
5. That the vessels grounding caused a leakage, steadily increasing,
until there was abt. 10 to 12 foot water in the cargo hold, as Helsingør
was passed.
6. The 24th she capsized in Skagerak, as she had a wind-abeam course for
a storm fra SSW and rough sea.
7. The accident can be blamed upon circumstances that the vessel had
lost her stability, caused by the water had reached a level of 10 to 12
foot in the cargo hold. These resulted in the capsize in the rough sea
and the strong wind from SSW.
8. That the master fail to anchor in Öresund and tried to solve the
9. As the master lost his life, this case will not be prosecuted from
the authorities, but will be dismissed. |