BAS90219600720001 TOTA
som TEIE. Bilde fra
boka Tønsberg Hvalfangeri 1907-1957. |
1960 MT TOTA
(BAS902196007) |
warsailors |
Type: |
Motorskip, transport & tanker
motor ship, transport & tanker. |
Off. nr.: |
5366007 |
Flagg (flag): |
Havn (port): |
Sandefjord |
Byggeår (year built): |
1937/09 |
Bnr (Sno).: |
172 |
Bygger (yard): |
Deutsche Werft Aktiengesellschaft, Bet. Finkenwärder, Hamburg, Tyskland. |
Eier (owner): |
Albion Star c/o Alfredo Ryan, Buenos Aires, Sandefjord. |
Disponent (manager): |
E. S. Martinsen,
Klasse (Class).: |
DnV +1A1 Tankskip for oljelast. |
Tonnasje (Tonnage): |
14.700 tdw, 9.944 brt, 5.889 nrt. |
Dimensjoner (size): |
L: 510,8’-B: 66,1’-D: 36,4’. |
(cargo handling): |
(Ref. machinery): |
Navigasjonsutstyr: |
(syst. for manouvering): |
(deck machinery): |
Kommunikasjon (comm.): |
Kallesignal (Call sign): |
Fremdrift (propulsion): |
2 dieselmotorer, MAN. Hver 2-takt/dbltv., 6–sylinder, syl. dim.: 600 x
1.100 mm. 4.100 BHK ved 116 o. min.
Bygget av Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg Aktiengesellschaft, Augsburg,
Tyskland. |
Fart/forbr.(speed/cons.): |
12,0 knop. |
Hjelpemaskineri (aux): |
Tot. el. kraft (el. power): |
Kjeler (boilers): |
2 hjelpekjeler (aux. boiler, Ildrørskjeler/fire tube boilers).
Arbeidstrykk 170 psi. |
Bemanning (crew): |
Historikk: |
Kontrahert av
Unilever Ltd, London, England.
1936 Kontrakten solgt i desember til A/S Odd, Sandefjord.
1937 Bygget som THORSHØVDI av Deutsche Werft
Aktiengesellschaft, Bet. Finkenwärder, Hamburg, Tyskland for A/S Odd
(A/S Thor Dahl), Sandefjord. Sjøsatt 21/08, ferdigstilt i september.
1940 WW II-Nortraship ble managers i april. I fart som hjelpeskip
for the Admirality, London.
1943 Sprengt 04/08 av en italiensk dvergubåt i Gibraltar mens hun
lå ankra. Brakk i to 04/08.
1945 Vrakpartene funnet etter krigen. Forskipet i Bona, Algerie
og akterskipet i Gibraltar.
Solgt av assurandøren til Skibs-A/S Oiltank (Georg Vefling), Tønsberg.
Tauet til Newcastle, England for reparasjon. Satt i fart som MT GIERT
1949 H. H. Torgersen & Georg Vefling, Tønsberg ble managers.
1951 Georg Vefling, Tønsberg ble managers.
1954 Solgt for 3.750.000 til A/S Tønsberg Hvalfangeri (A. C.
Olsen, Sandefjord), Tønsberg. Bygget om til transport/tankskip med lugar
plasser til 300 mann ved Kieler Howaldswerke, Kiel, Vest-Tyskland. Ny
tonnasje: 14.034 tdw, 11.342 brt, 8.071 nrt. Omdøpt til TEIE.
1955 Bror von der Lippe ble managers.
1960 Solgt i juli for GBP 100.00 til A/S Albion Star c/o Alfredo
Ryan, Buenos Aires, Argentina, E. S. Martinsen, Sandefjord. Omdøpt til
1964 Solgt i januar til Eriksbergs Mek. Verkstads A/B, Göteborg,
Sverige for bruk som losjiskip.
1970 Ankom 03/09 til Santander, Spania for hogging. |
Utdrag av Sjøforklaringen etter forliset i 1943. Fra boka Sjøforklaring
fra 2. Vedenskrig bind II.
Captain Arthur Svensen
referred to
log-book and extract from same dated 4th August 1943, which he affirmed
was a correct statement of what had happened.
The ship had onboard a cargo of about 10.690 tons Admiralty fuel oil.
The ship was tied up at buoys inside the Admiralty Harbour until about
1900 hours on the 3rd August, when the ship was shifted by an Admiralty
Pilot through the Southern Entrance. Outside the entrance the Admiralty
Pilot was replaced by a Bay Pilot who said he had received orders to
anchor the ship on the far side of the Bay.
At about 1940 hours the Pilot stated that the ship was in 25 Fathoms of
water and the ship was anchored by the Starboard anchor and 90 fathoms
of chain. The ship was about half a mile from the Spanish shore.
He stated that he ordered the Chief Officer to put good watches on deck
and to darken the ship. He also ordered the ship to be ready to sail at
0445 on the morning of the 4th August.
At about 0410 hours, on the 4th August, everyone was shaken by a
tremendous explosion. He rushed out on deck, he could see nothing for
fuel oil which was descending like rain.
Loud cracks were heard from the amidships on the after deck.
As the oil ceased it soon became evident that the ship's back was
broken, the deck sagging to such an extent that it appeared that the
ship might break i two at any moment.
He gave orders for all hands to get into the lifeboats which were
launched, and to keep near the ship until daylight.
They were taken out of the lifeboat (which was damaged and leaky) and
taken on to a British patrol boat which went to another ship close by.
They were just sending a diver down to examine this ship for contact or
limpet mines when she also blew up, a piece of iron falling through the
roof of the deck house and severely injuring the coxswain of that ship.
The patrol boat then went to the shore to land the injured man and they
were taken to the Captain of the Port's Office.
Shortly after this they were taken back to the ship which was then in
tow in order to beach her, as it was seen that the ship was practically
cut in two by an explosion which broke her back under No. 6 tank.
Ship was beached in about 36 feet of water shortly after noon.
He is of opinon that the explosion was due to enemy action as the
British Government diver found clamps for securing wire to the bilge
keels and pieces of metal believed to be from enemy bomb containers
having been thrown up by the explosion were found on the deck.
There was an Italian in the patrol boat who had been taken from the
water. |
History in English: |
Contracted by Unilever Ltd, London, England.
1936 The contract sold in December to A/S Odd, Sandefjord.
1937 Built as THORSHØVDI by Deutsche Werft Aktiengesellschaft,
Bet. Finkenwärder, Hamburg, Germany for A/S Odd (A/S Thor Dahl),
Sandefjord. Launched 21/08, completed in September.
1940 WW II-Nortraship became managers in April. In service as
Royal Fleet Auxiliary for the Admirality, London.
1943 Damaged by explosion 04/08 of limpet mine planted by crew of
Italian piloted torpedo at Gibraltar whilst anchored. Broke in two.
1945 The parts of the wreck was found after the war. The fore
body at Bona, Algeria and the aft body in Gibraltar.
1945 Sold by the insurers to Skibs-A/S Oiltank (Georg Vefling),
Tønsberg. Towed to Newcastle, England for repairs. Put in service as
1955 Bror von der Lippe became managers.
1949 H. H. Torgersen & Georg Vefling, Tønsberg became managers.
1951 Georg Vefling, Tønsberg became managers.
1954 Sold for 3.750.000 to A/S Tønsberg Hvalfangeri (A. C. Olsen,
Sandefjord), Tønsberg. Converted to transport/tank vessel with passenger
accomodation for 300 men by Kieler Howaldswerke, Kiel, West Germany. New
14.034 tdw, 11.342 grt, 8.071 nrt.
Renamed TEIE.
1955 Bror von der Lippe became managers.
1960 Sold in July for GBP 100.00 to A/S Albion Star c/o Alfredo
Ryan, Buenos Aires, Argentina, E. S. Martinsen, Sandefjord. Renamed
1964 Sold in January to Eriksbergs Mek. Verkstads A/B, Göteborg,
Sweden for use as accomodation vessel.
1970 Arrived 03/09 at
Santander, Spain for demolition. |
BAS90219600720002 TOTA
som TEIE. Bilde via Per Sundfær. |