OSL30319360120001 BEDUIN. Bilde via uboat. net. |
1936 MT BEDUIN (1)
(OSL303193601) |
warsailors |
Type: |
Motorskip, tanker
motor ship, tanker. |
Off. nr.: |
5608283 |
Flagg (flag): |
Havn (port): |
Oslo |
Byggeår (year built): |
1936/03 |
Bnr (Sno).: |
493 |
Bygger (yard): |
A/B Götaverken, Göteborg, Sverige. |
Eier (owner): |
O. Andersen Shipping Co. A/S,
Oslo. |
Disponent (manager): |
A. O. Andersen & Co's. Efterfølgere A/S, Oslo. |
Klasse (Class).: |
DnV +1A1 Tankskib for oljelast. |
Tonnasje (Tonnage): |
12.520 tdw, 8.136 brt, 4.860 nrt. |
Dimensjoner (size): |
L: 455,5’-B: 59,2’-D: 35,9’. |
(cargo handling): |
(Ref. machinery): |
Navigasjonsutstyr: |
(syst. for manouvering): |
(deck machinery): |
Kommunikasjon (comm.): |
Kallesignal (Call sign): |
Fremdrift (propulsion): |
dieselmotor, Burmeiser & Wain DM6300-S.
syl. dim.: 750 x 1.500 mm. 3.610 BHK. Bygget
A/B Götaverken, Göteborg, Sverige. |
Fart/forbr.(speed/cons.): |
12,0 knop. |
Hjelpemaskineri (aux): |
Tot. el. kraft (el. power): |
Kjeler (boilers): |
2 hjelpekjeler (aux. boilers). Arbeidstrykk 150 psi. |
Bemanning (crew): |
Historikk: |
Bygget som BEDUIN av A/B Götaverken, Göteborg, Sverige for A. O.
Andersen Shipping Co.
(A. O. Andersen & Co's. Efterfølgere A/S), Oslo.
Sjøsatt 18/01, ferdigstilt i mars.
1940 WW II-Nortraship ble managers i april.
1941 Torpedert 16/03 av den tyske ubåten U 99 (Korvettenkapitän
Otto Kretschmer), i posisjon 60.42N-13.10V mens hun var på reise i
konvoi HX 112 fra Aruba, Nederlandske Antiller via Bermuda til Clyde,
Scotland med petroleum. 4 mann omkom. Skipet brakk i to. Forparten
senket 19/03 av en britisk tråler i posisjon 61.02N-11.53V. Akterenden
ble tatt på slep av HMS ST. OLAVES (W 40), men sank 20/03
i posisjon 61.07N-10.50V. |
Utdrag fra sjøforklaringen:
Appeared master mariner Hans Hansen, Master of the tanker BEDUIN:
came from Aruba
after calling,
left Bermuda on the 26th February with a cargo of Gasolene for the Clyde
(about 11000 tons). The appearer stated that the vessel's log book had
unfortunately not been saved. The captain stated:-
The vessel left Bermuda in convoy, the convoy was protected by 6 - six -
destroyers. When, during the night of the 16th March, they had reached
61 degrees North and 13 degrees West Longitude, the vessel was struck by
a torpedo a little abaft the pump room. The explosion was so violent
that the deck plates were blown up so that they stood up in the air and
the fore and aft gangway disappeared. On the bridge were the 3rd officer
and the captain as well as 3 of the crew. The rest of the crew had
received orders to hold themselves at the lifeboats as, practically
speaking, they went about expecting to be torpedoed as several of the
vessels in the convoy had already been torpedoed. The 5 men who were on
the bridge, plus the 2nd officer who came from his cabin amidship,
immediately went to the motor boat and got it lowered. The boat remained
hanging by the after tackle for a moment after it had come into the
water and was partly filled with water. The captain shouted to the 2 who
lowered the boat that they should lower themselves down by the tackles,
but received no replly. What the reason for this may have been the
captain does not know, but he does not consider it unlikely that they
have possibly been overcome by gas which was pouring out from the ship.
On account of this gas the captain at once had to get away from the
vessel as they had already commenced to notice the effect of it. They
rowed as hard as they could - they did not manage to start the motor -
towards windward in order to get away from the gas. After a while they
got in communication with the chief officer's boat by means of light
signals and they also saw light signals from the other boat. They got a
painter on board the chief officer's lifeboat and the captain decided
that both boats should lie drifting until daylight in order to see how
the vessel fared. In spite of the chief officer having given clear
instructions to keep together, the other lifeboat disappeared in the
darkness. When daylight came, both boats rowed down to the wreck, and it
was found that the
had been divided in 2. They came up under the after part of the ship and
shouted, but there was no reply. The captain found that the risk was too
great, both as regards the seas and the gasolene gas to go on board. The
forward part of the ship which was standing more or less vertically in
the water had drifted about 1 mile away from the after part of the ship.
They then set sail and came up under the forward part of the ship where
there was no sign of life either to be observed. As they could not get
the motor started, they found it more sensible to go over into the
lifeboat. They took water tanks and bread tanks and other things with
them over into the lifeboat and let the motor boat take its own course.
They thereupon set sail and steered eastwards. After about 2 days
sailing they caught sight of a vessel, they steered up to her and at
about 22.30 o'clock on the 18th March they were taken on board the
fishingtrawler A.337 (RIVER AYR) of Aberdeen, which landed the
crew at
the day after at about 23 o'clock the 19th March. Since the torpedoing
the weather had been moderate. On board the boat were the captain, the
chief officer, 2nd and 3rd officers, and the 2nd engineer and 16 men.
The 2nd engineer had got 2 fingers on the left hand injured and was
immediately taken to hospital. Among the crew some had sustained bums
from the gasolene. They were also treated in hospital. The captain hopes
that it will be evident from the above statement why all 4 deck officers
were in one boat. The captain brought with him crew list, the pass-ports
for all the men, also the ship's accounts. Boat drill had been carried
out during the stay at Bermuda. The vessel was, on departure from
Bermuda, in every respect in completely seaworthy condition.
History in English: |
Built as BEDUIN by A/B Götaverken, Göteborg, Sweden for A. O.
Andersen Shipping Co. A/S (A. O. Andersen & Co's. Efterfølgere A/S),
Oslo. Launched 18/01, completed in March.
1940 WW II-Nortraship became manegers in April.
1941 Torpedoed 16/03 by the German submarine U 99 (Korvettenkapitän
Otto Kretschmer), in position 60.42N-13.10W whilst on a voyage in
Convoy HX 112 from Aruba, Netherlands Antilles via Bermuda to Clyde,
Scotland with petrol. 4 men lost. The vessel broke in two. Fore end sunk
19/03 by a British trawler in position 61.02N-11.53W. The stern was
taken in tow by HMS ST. OLAVES (W 40), but sank 20/03 in
position 61.07N-10.50W. |