OSL35119340120001 JAMES STOVE. Bilde via Per Sundfær. |
1934 MT JAMES STOVE (1) (OSL351193401) |
warsailors |
Type: |
Motorskip tanker
motor ship tanker. |
Off. nr.: |
5607498 |
Flagg (flag): |
Havn (port): |
Oslo |
Byggeår (year built): |
1931/07 |
Bnr (Sno).: |
336 / 444 |
Bygger (yard): |
Caledon Shipbuilding & Engineering Co.
Ltd, Dundee,
Scotland / A/B Götaverken, Göteborg, Sverige. |
Eier (owner): |
Lorentzen's Skibs A/S, Oslo. |
Disponent (manager): |
Lorentzens Rederi Co., Oslo. |
Klasse (Class).: |
Lloyd’s +100A1 |
Tonnasje (Tonnage): |
11.420 tdw, 8.215
brt, 4.868 nrt. |
Dimensjoner (size): |
L: 451,1’-B: 59,2’-D: 35,5’. |
(cargo handling): |
(Ref. machinery): |
Navigasjonsutstyr: |
(syst. for manouvering): |
(deck machinery): |
Kommunikasjon (comm.): |
Kallesignal (Call sign): |
Fremdrift (propulsion): |
2 dieselmotorer,
Burmeiser & Wain
DM6150-M. Hver 4-
takt/enkltv., 7-sylinder,
syl. dim.: 550 x 1.000 mm. Totalt
2.975 BHK. Bygget av A/B Götaverken, Göteborg, Sverige. |
Fart/forbr.(speed/cons.): |
11,0 knop |
Hjelpemaskineri (aux): |
Tot. el. kraft (el. power): |
Kjeler (boilers): |
2 hjelpekjeler (aux. boilers) med arbeidstrykk 150 psi.
Bygget av
A/B Götaverken, Göteborg, Sverige. |
Bemanning (crew): |
Historikk: |
1930 Kjølstrukket 23/08.
Bygget som BRALANTA av Caledon Shipbuilding & Engineering Co.
Ltd, Dundee, Scotland
Braathens Rederi A/S (Ludvig G. Braathen), Oslo.
1931 Sjøsatt 16/04, ferdigstilt 04/07 ved
A/B Götaverken, Göteborg, Sverige
1933 Lorentzen Rederi Co.,
Oslo ble managers 02/09.
1934 Solgt til Lorentzen's Skibs-A/S (Lorentzens Rederi Co.),
Oslo. Omdøpt til JAMES STOVE.
1940 WW II–Nortraship ble managers i april.
Stanset, torpedert og senket 16/06 av den italienske ubåten
GALILEO GALILEI (Commander Corrado Nardi) ved Aden, Jemen
i posisjon 02.35N-45.03Ø mens hun var på reise fra Singapore til Aden,
Jemen med bensin. Etter skipet var stanset ble besetningen beordret fra
borde. De ble etter en time tatt opp av HMS MOONSTONE og
landsatt i Aden. |
M/T "James Stove" left Singapore on the 29th May 1940 with 10.800 tons
of aviation spirit. Loaded down to Indian Summer mark draft forward 25'
5", aft 27' 5", mean draft 26' 5".
The ship sailed with a full complement of crew and in perfect sea
worthiness. The Captain received before departure from Singapore from
the Naval Control full particulars regarding the route and general
instructions. The route given to us by the Naval Control was strictly
followed the whole voyage and instructions regarding the use of the
Wireless strictly adhered to. The voyage to Aden proceeded under normal
On the 15th of June the Captain decided to proceed with reduced speed to
conform to time of arrival at daybreak the following morning. This was
to conform with instructions issued by Singapore Naval Control.
On the 16th June about 0415 full speed was given and we proceeded
according to orders and approached the swept Channel 12 miles South of
Elephant Back. At 0450 observed a submarine on the surface of one point
ahead on the starboard beam about four miles off. The Captain and the
Chief officer who were on the Bridge at this time believed it to be
either a British or a French submarine and the voyage continued.
The submarine had almost a similar course but began closing in on the
starboard side. At 0515 observed land and altered course to enter the
swept channel. While we turned the submarine's position was then on our
port side. The submarine then increased speed and going astern of us
took up position on our starboard quarter and hoisted a signal. The
distance at this time was too great and the signal could not be
identified. The Captain gave the order to stop and the ship's number and
National flag was hoisted - a few minutes later the submarine's signal
could be made out to be C.G.B. meaning "Send boat for" The submarine was
flying no national flag and with no numbers of mark painted on her
sides. We believed that the submarine might have new orders regarding
the mine fields and the Captain gave order to lower the starboard
lifeboat which went away with the Chief Officer and the Boat's crew.
When the lifeboat approached the submarine the Captain hailed the Chief
Officer and stated the submarine was Italian and that as Aden was a
British port, the ship would be sunk. The lifeboat then turned back to
the ship. On nearing the ship the Chief Officer signalled the Captain
that the ship would be sunk and the Captain then gave the order to
abandon the ship. At 0605 all hands were in the boat. At 0615 the ship
was hit by a torpedo in the Engine Room, and the ship began to sink -
about five minutes later the ship was hit by a second torpedo ahead on
the starboard beam and began to list heavily and an explosion occurred
and in a moment the ship went up in one enormous flame when began
spreading rapidly around the ship. The crew managed to escape the flames
and a course was set for Aden. About 0700 the whole crew rescued by a
British warship "Moonstone" and brought to Aden. After arrival in Aden
on the 16th June the loss of the "James Stove" was reported to the
Authorities on shore. On the 17th June an extract of the Deck Log
together with the Deck and Engine Log Books were delivered to the
Norwegian Consulate at Aden.
NOTE: The above report is written by memory only as all papers were
landed as already stated above.
Sjøforklaringer fra 2. verdenskrig bind I. |
History in English: |
1930 Keel laid 23/08.
Built as BRALANTA by
Caledon Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. Ltd, Dundee, Scotland for
Braathens Rederi A/S (Ludvig G. Braathen), Oslo.
Launched 16/04.
Completed 04/07 by A/B Götaverken, Göteborg, Sweden
Lorentzen Rederi Co., Oslo became managers 02/09.
Sold to Lorentzen's Skibs-A/S (Lorentzens Rederi Co.), Oslo. Renamed
1940 WW II–Nortraship became managers in April.
Captured, torpedoed and sunk 16/06 by the Italian submarine
GALILEO GALILEI (Commander Corrado Nardi) at Aden, Yemen
in position 02.35N-45.03E whilst on a voyage from Singapore to Aden with
gasoline. After the vessel was captured, the crew were ordered to
abandon ship. They were taken up after a hour by HMS MOONSTONE
and landed in Aden. |