SFJ00119300420001 DS/Hvb KOS VIII. Bilde fra boken «På alle hav-Skipene
i Anders Jahres rederi». |
1930 DS/Hvb
KOS VIII (SFJ001193004) |
Type |
Dampskip, hvalbåt
steam ship, whale catcher. |
Off.no (IMO): |
30282 |
(flag): |
Havn(port): |
Sandefjord |
Byggeår (year built): |
1930/08 |
Bnr (Sno): |
931 |
(yard): |
Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, South
Bank, Middlesbrough, England. |
Eier (owner): |
Hvalfangerselskapet Kosmos A/S, Sandefjord. |
Disponent (manager): |
Jahre & Co, Sandefjord. |
Klasse (Class): |
Tonnasje (Tonnage): |
brt, 86 nrt |
Dimensjoner (size): |
115,1'-B: 24,1'-D: 12,8'. |
(catching equipm.) |
Navigasjonsutstyr: |
(syst. for manouvering) |
(deck machinery): |
Kommunikasjon (comm.): |
Kallesignal (Call sign.): |
Fremdrift (propulsion): |
stempel dampmaskin (steam reciprocating), 3-trinns ekspansjon (triple
exp.). 3-sylinder, syl. dia.: 14"-23"-39", slag/stroke: 24". Bygget av
Smith's Dock Co. Ltd, Middlesbrough, England. |
(speed/cons.): |
knop |
Hjelpemaskineri (aux): |
el. kraft (el. power): |
Kjele(r) (boiler): |
oljefyrt dampkjel (ildrørskjel/fire tube boiler), heteflate (HF): 2.292
ft². Bygget av Blair & Co. Ltd, Stockton, England. |
Bemanning (crew): |
pers, |
Historikk: |
1930 Bygget som hvalbåt KOS VIII
ved Smith’s Dock Co. Ltd, South Bank, Middlesbrough, England for
Hvalfangerselskapet Kosmos A/S (Anders Jahre), Sandefjord. Sjøsatt
11/07, levert i august. Kontrakt prisen var GBP 20.500.
Fangstbåt for Kosmos-ekspedisjonen i Sydishavet sesongen 1930/31.
Skytter var Hans Larsen.
1931 I opplag under sesongen 1931/32.
1932 Fangstbåt for KOSMOS -ekspedisjonen i
Sydishavet sesongen 1932/35. Skytter var Aksel Akselsen.
1935 Fangstbåt for KOSMOS -ekspedisjonen i
Sydishavet 1935/37. Skytter var Thorleif Fagerli.
1937 Bøyebåt for KOSMOS II-ekspedisjonen i
Sydishavet 1937/38. Skytter var Daniel Hansen.
1938 Fangstbåt for KOSMOS II-ekspedisjonen i
Sydishavet 1938/40. Skytter var Arne Borgen.
1940 Etter endt sesong 1939/40 ankom Walvis Bay, Sørvest Afrika
21/03. Ventet på videre order frem til 16/11. Rekvirert av britiske The
Royal Navy i november som minesveiper. Avgikk Walvis Bay med kurs for
England via Freetown, Sierra Leone og St. Vincent, Kapp Verde sammen med
kompanibåtene KOS VII og IX. Ankret opp ved
øya St. Michaels, Cornwall 15/12. Gikk fra St. Michaels med kurs for
Shields, England 21/12.
1941 Ankret i elven Clyde, Scotland. Forlot ankerplass i konvoi
04/02 og ankrer opp ved Methil Roads, Scotland 07/02. Forhalte til
Shields 09/02 for ombygging. Omdøpt til HMS DEW FY 1721 i
1944 Benyttet som brannbåt fra mai måned.
1946 Returnert til eierne i mai og gitt tilbake sitt opprinnelige
navn, KOS VIII.
1947 Deltok i hvalfangst på Peru med kokeriet ANGLO NORSE
i sesongene 1947/1949.
1949 Skiftet til fangst på feltene utenfor Madagaskar. Fremdeles
med kokeriet ANGLO NORSE.
1950 Fanget på feltene utenfor Madagaskar med kokeriet
1951 Deltok igjen på feltene i Peru sesongen 1951/52.
1953 Solgt til Industrial Maritima S.A., Rio Martin, Spansk
Marokko. Omdøpt til ATLAS.
1954 Deltok i hvalfangst ut fra landstasjonen Tetuan, Benzu,
Spansk Marokko.
1955 Solgt til Industrial Ballenera S.A., Vigo, Spania. Omdøpt
til LOBEIRO. Deltok i hvalfangst ut fra Balea-Cangas ved Vigo fra
1956 og ut til slutten av 70 årene.
1971 Masso Mermanos S.A. og alle landstasjonene ble slått sammen
under navnet Industria Ballenera S.A. (IBSA) etter en prosess som hadde
foregått siden 1968. IBSA disponerte nå 5 hvalbåter. CANELIÑAS,
1981 Hugget |
in English: |
1930 Built as
whaling catcher KOS VIII Smith’s Dock Co Ltd., South Bank,
Middlesbrough for Hvalfangerselskapet Kosmos A/S
(Anders Jahre), Sandefjord.
Launched 11/07, delivered in August to a contract price of £20.500.
Catcher for Kosmos-expedition in the Southern Seas season of 1930/31.
Shooter was Hans Larsen.
1931 Laid up during season 1931/32.
1932 Catcher for KOSMOS-expedition in the Southern Seas
season of 1932/33. Shooter was Aksel Akselsen.
1933 Catcher for KOSMOS-expedition in the Southern Seas
season of 1933/34. Shooter was Aksel Akselsen.
1934 Catcher for KOSMOS-expedition in the Southern Seas
season of 1934/35. Shooter was Aksel Akselsen.
1935 Catcher for KOSMOS-expedition in the Southern Seas
season of 1935/36. Shooter was Thorleif Fagerli.
1936 Catcher for KOSMOS-expedition in the Southern Seas
season of 1936/37. Shooter was Thorleif Fagerli.
1937 Buoy boat for KOSMOS II-expedition in the Southern
Seas season of 1937/38. Shooter was Daniel Hansen.
1938 Catcher for KOSMOS II-expedition in the Southern Seas
season of 1938/39. Shooter was Arne Borgen.
1939 Catcher for KOSMOS II-expedition in the Southern Seas
season of 1939/40. Shooter was Arne Borgen.
1940 After the end of the 1939/40 season arrived at Walvis Bay
03/03. Waiting for further orders until 16/11.
Requisitioned by the British Royal Navy in November as minesweeper.
Departed Walvis Bay heading for England via Freetown and St. Vincent in
Cape Verde along with the company boats KOS VII and IX.
Anchored at the island of St. Michaels on the west coast of England
15/12. Going from St. Michaels heading for Shields 21/12.
1941 Anchored in the river Clyde. Left the anchorage in convoy
04/02 and anchored at Methild Roads 07/02. Shifted to Shield 09/02 for
converting for use as minesweeper. Renamed HMS DEW FY-1721
in September.
1944 In service as a firefloat vessel from month of May.
1946 Returned to owners in May and given back it's original name,
1947 Participating in whaling on the coast of Peru as catcher for
whaling factory ANGLO NORSE in the whaling season of 1947/48
1948 Participating in whaling on the coast of Peru as catcher for
whaling factory ANGLO NORSE in the whaling season of 1948/49
1949 The ANGLO NORSE-expedition and catchers moves to the
whaling fields off the coast of Madagascar.
1950 The ANGLO NORSE-expedition and catchers at the
whaling fields off the coast of Madagascar.
1951 Participating in whaling on the coast of Peru as catcher for
whaling factory ANGLO NORSE in the whaling season of 1951/52.
1953 KOS VIII sold to Industrial Maritima SA, Rio Martin
and renamed ATLAS.
1954 Catching whale from the shore station at Benzu in
1955 Officially sold to Industrial Ballenera SA and renamed
LOBEIRO. Started catching from Balea-Cangas not far from Vigo in
Spain from 1956 and until end of the seventies.
1971 Masso Mermanos SA and all the land stations were merged
under the name Industria Ballenera SA (IBSA) after a process that had
taken place since 1968. IBSA now had 5 whale boats at its disposal.
1981 Broken up. |
SFJ00119300420001 DS/Hvb KOS 8 i Lunenburg, Canada. |