SFJ00119470220001 DS/KOS 31 på prøvetur 20/12. Bilde fra
Hvalfangstmuseets samlinger. |
1947 DS/Hvb KOS 31 (SFJ001194702) |
Type |
steam ship, whale catcher |
(IMO): |
5194117 |
Flagg (flag): |
Havn(port): |
Sandefjord |
Byggeår (year
built): |
1947/12 |
(Sno): |
139 |
(yard): |
mek.Værksted, Sandefjord. |
Eier (owner): |
A/S Kosmos, Sandefjord. |
(manager): |
Anders Jahre A/S,
Sandefjord. |
(Tonnage): |
510 brt,
174 nrt |
Dimensjoner (size): |
Loa: 158'0"-Lbp:
142'6"-B: 29'6"-D: 17’0". |
(catching equipm.): |
90 mm hvalkanon |
Navigasjonsutstyr: |
ekkolodd, kompass og radiopeiler |
(syst. for manouvering) |
(deck machinery): |
Kommunikasjon (comm.): |
Radiotelefoni/telegrafi |
Kallesignal (Call sign.): |
(propulsion): |
1 stempel dampmaskin (steam
reciprocating), FMV-C5
4-sylinder, syl. diam: 13,8"-32,3"-32,3"-
13,8". 281 NHK/1.586 IHK. Bygget ved Framnæs mek.
Værksted, Sandefjord. |
(speed/cons.): |
Hjelpemaskineri (aux): |
Tot. el.
kraft (el. power): |
(boiler): |
oljefyrte dampkjeler (vannrørskjeler m/overheter).
Samlet heteflate (HF) 4.966 ft². Damptrykk 250 psi, etter
overheter 220 psi. Bygget ved Foster Wheeler Corp., New
York, NY, USA. |
(crew): |
personer |
Historikk: |
Bygget som hvalbåt KOS 31 ved Framnæs mek. Værksted, Sandefjord
for A/S Kosmos og Hvalfangerselskapet Kosmos II A/S (Anders Jahre A/S),
Sandefjord. Sjøsatt 15/10. Prøvetur og overtagelse 20/12.
Fanget for KOSMOS IV sesongen 1947/48. KOSMOS IV
og 10 fangstbåter. Albert Andersen som skytter. Avgikk Sandefjord 26/12
med kurs for Sydishavet.
1948 Etter endt sesong og ankomst Sandefjord, forhalt til Framnæs
mek. Værksted 12/05 for påbygg av ny brobygning. Brobygg, vedlikehold og
dokking ferdig utført 11/10.
Fanget for KOSMOS IV sesongen 1948/49. Albert Andersen som
Fangst av spermhval tar til 21/11 og langhval 15/12. 11 hvalbåter deltok
i fangsten. Fangstbestyrer er Hans Andresen, Sandefjord.
1949 Fangsten for sesongen 1948/49 avsluttes 26/03. Det ble
produsert 109.049 fat hvalolje og 11.621 fat spermolje og i tillegg 19,3
tonn leverolje.
Fanget for KOSMOS IV sesongen 1949/50. Johs. Andreassen,
Onsøy som skytter.
1950 Fangsten for sesongen 1949/50 avsluttes 16/03 og
ekspedisjonen satte kurs for Walvis Bay, Sørvest Afrika. Ankom 25/03 og
gikk videre hjemover 28/03 via Dakar, Senegal for bunkers 07/04. Ankom
Sandefjord 17/04. Overhalt og vedlikeholdt ved Marinens Hovedverft,
Horten den sommeren.
Fanget for KOSMOS IV i sesongen 1950/51. Aksel Hansen som
1951 Satt i fangst for KOSMOS IV i sesongen 1951/52.
Jannis Skontorp, Tønsberg som skytter.
1952 Fanget for KOSMOS IV i sesongen 1952/53 som
bøyebåt. T Aarø Hansen som skytter.
1953 Fanget for KOSMOS IV i sesongen 1953/54. Aksel
Hansen som skytter.
1954 Fanget for KOSMOS IV i sesongen 1954/55. Knut
B. Hansen, Cape Town som skytter.
1955 Fanget for KOSMOS IV sesongene 1955/58. Aksel
Hansen som skytter.
1958 Fanget for KOSMOS III i sesongen 1958/59.
Sigurd Jahre, Sandar som skytter.
1959 Fanget for KOSMOS IV i sesongen 1959/60 som
bøyebåt. Sigurd Jahre, Sandar som skytter.
1960 Fanget for KOSMOS III i sesongen 1960/61.
Lorang Thiis Haraldsen, Årøsund som skytter.
1961 Utleid til landstasjonen Premier på The Bluff i Durban om
Fanget for KOSMOS IV i sesongen 1961/62 som bøyebåt.
Erling B. Hansen, Nøtterøy som skytter.
1962 Utleid til landstasjonen Premier på The Bluff i Durban om
1963 Utleid til landstasjonen Premier på The Bluff i Durban om
1964 Utleid til landstasjonen Premier på The Bluff i Durban om
1965 Solgt til Union Whaling & Co Durban, Syd-Afrika. Omdøpt til
A. E. LARSEN. Fanget fra landbasert hvalstasjonen Premier på The
Bluff i Durban.
1975 Tatt ut av fangst grunnet nedleggelse av hvalfangsten ut fra
1977 Hugget i januar i Maputo, Mozambique. |
in English: |
Built as whale catcher KOS 31 at Framnæs mek. Værksted,
Sandefjord for A/S Kosmos and Hvalfangerselskapet Kosmos II A/S (Anders
Jahre & Co), Sandefjord. Launched 15/10. Sea trail and delivery
Catching as catcher for KOSMOS IV in season 1947/48. KOSMOS IV
and 10 whale catchers participated. Shooter was Albert Andersen. Left
Sandefjord 26/12-47 for the Southern Ocean.
1948 After end of season and arrival Sandefjord she went along
side at Framnæs mek. Værksted 12/05 for construction of a new
bridgebuilding. Bridge, maintenance and docking completed 11/10.
Catching for KOSMOS IV as a catcher in the 1948/49 season. The
shooter was Albert Andersen. 11 catchers participated in the expedition
this season. The catch of sperm whale started 17/11 and the baleen whale
started 15/12. 11 catchers participated in the catch. Whaling manager
was Hans Andresen, Sandefjord.
1949 The catch of season 1948/49 ended 26/03. It was produced
109.049 barrels of whale oil and 11.621 barrels sperm oil and
additionally 19,3 tons liver oil.
Catching as catcher for KOSMOS IV season 1949/50. Shooter was
Sverre Andreassen.
1950 The catch of season 1949/50 ended 16/03 and the expedition
sat course for Walvis Bay. Arrived 25/03 and left for the way home
28/03. Called Dakar for bunker oil 07/04. Arrived Sandefjord 17/04.
Overhauled and maintained at Marinens Hovedverft, Horten that summer.
Operated as catcher for the factory KOSMOS IV in the season of
1950/51. Shooter was Aksel Hansen.
1951 Operated as catcher for the factory KOSMOS IV in the
season of 1951/52. Shooter was Jannis Skontorp, Tønsberg.
1952 Operated as catcher for the factory KOSMOS IV in the
season of 1952/53 as buoy boat. Shooter was T. Aarø Hansen.
1953 Operated as catcher for the factory KOSMOS IV in the
season of 1953/54. Shooter was Aksel Hansen.
1954 Operated as catcher for the factory KOSMOS IV in the
season of 1954/55. Shooter was Knut B. Hansen, Cape Town.
1955 Operated as catcher for the factory KOSMOS IV in the
season of 1955/56. Shooter was Aksel Hansen.
1956 Operated as catcher for the factory KOSMOS IV in the
season of 1956/57. Shooter was Aksel Hansen.
1957 Operated as catcher for the factory KOSMOS IV in the
season of 1957/58. Shooter was Aksel Hansen.
1958 Operated as catcher for the factory KOSMOS III in the
season of 1958/59. Shooter was Sigurd Jahre, Sandar.
1959 Operated as catcher for the factory KOSMOS IV in the
season of 1959/60 as buoy boat. Shooter was Sigurd Jahre, Sandar.
1960 Operated as catcher for the factory KOSMOS III in the
season of 1960/61. Shooter was Lorang Thiis Haraldsen, Årøsund.
1961 Hired out to the shore based whaling station Premier at The
Bluff in Durban in the summer season. Operated as catcher for KOSMOS
IV in season 1961/62 as buoy boat. Shooter was Erling B. Hansen,
1962 Hired out to the shore based whaling station Premier at The
Bluff in Durban in the summer season.
1963 Hired out to the shore based whaling station Premier at The
Bluff in Durban in the summer season.
1964 Hired out to the shore based whaling station Premier at The
Bluff in Durban in the summer season.
1965 Sold to Union Whaling & Co Durban, South-Africa. Renamed
A. E. LARSEN. Continued as catcher from the share based whaling
station Premier at The Bluff in Durban.
1975 Layup caused by new regulation of no whaling out of Durban.
1977 Sold to breaking in Mozambique. |
SFJ00119470220002 DS/KOS 31 etter ombygning med høyere bro. Bilde fra
privat samling. |