Historikk: |
Bygget som flytende kokeri RONALD ved Robert Duncan & Co.
Ltd, East Yard, Port
Glasgow, Scotland for A/S Hektor (Nils Bugge), Tønsberg.
10/05 og levert i begynnelsen av juli.
Var verdens første spesialbygde hvalkokeri. Skipet kostet 6,5 mill.
kroner og erstattet gamle RONALD og kokeriet BENGUELA som
ble senket under første verdenskrig.
Alt av kokeri utrustning ble installert ved Jarlsø Verft, Tønsberg og
var ferdig i midten av september. Hun var bygget med faste tanker, og
hadde en lastekapasitet på 42.917 fat.
Var tenkt benyttet sammen med A/S Hektors landstasjonen i Deception Bay,
Syd Shetlandsøyene. Det var gitt tillatelse til bruk av 5 fangstbåter
under sesongen.
Gikk til Antarktis for sesongen 1920/21 med 6 hvalbåter. Hvalbåtene for
sesongen var BRANSFIELD (1911), PORT STANLEY
(1911), T. H. DAHL (1910), ROSS (1912), EDLE (1912)
og ALMIRANTE GONI (1912). Fangsten tok til 23/11. A/S Hektor
hadde base på landstasjon i Deception Bay.
1921 Resultatet for sesongen 1920/21 ble 804 hval som utgjorde
40.593 fat hvalolje. Ekspedisjonen forlot Deception 28/03 med kurs for
Montevideo, Uruguay. Ankom Montevideo 06/04 hvor hvalbåtene ble lagt i
sommeropplag. RONALD fortsatte til Tønsberg. Ankom Tenvik 06/05
og gikk i opplagsbøyen med lasten inne. Lasten ble ikke solgt før i
august og da til en dårligere pris. Hun gikk så til Liverpool, England
for dokking og vedlikehold. Etter endt verkstedopphold gikk hun til
Cardiff, Wales for å laste kull for kommende sesong. Etter inntak av
8.650 tonn kull gikk hun tilbake til Tønsberg 29/09.
Forlot Tønsberg 13/10 med kurs for Sydishavet for sesongen 1921/22,
etter å ha tatt om bord mannskap og utstyr for sesongen. Ankom
Montevideo 09/11, etter en rask reise. Forlot Montevideo med 5 hvalbåter
10/11 og ankom Deception 20/11.
1922 Fangstresultat etter sesongen 1921/22 ble 39.418 fat
hvalolje, samt 16.700 sekker guano.
RONALD avgikk Tønsberg 16/09 med kurs for Sydishavet. Flåten kom
forholdsvis tidlig av sted. Denne sesong bød Syd-Shetland ikke på mange
is hindringer. Derfor kom RONALD 07/11 gjennom tåke og disig luft
frem til innseilingen til Nelson stredet. Da tåken var særdeles tett,
ble kursen satt nordøst for å gå inn ved Cape Melville. Skipet gikk så
uten is hindringer rundt Cape Melville og inn i Bransfieldstredet. 08/11
gikk skipet inn til Deception og ankret. Havnen var helt isfri. Under
hele seilasen fra Port Stanley, Falklandsøyene til Deception Island såes
ikke is.
Fangsten ble
satt i gang samme dag, men tilgangen på hval var ikke god.
1923 Fangstresultat etter sesongen 1922/23 ble 38.417 fat
hvalolje, samt 16.700 sekker guano. Hjemturen begynte etter
fangstavslutning 26/04. Hjemkomsten til Tønsberg var i første halvdel av
juni. RONALD losset i Fredrikstad.
Hvalbåten T. H. DAHL er blitt solgt denne høsten, og
ALMIRANTE GONI skal holdes som reservebåt inntil to nybygg
kommer på vannet.
Avgang for sesongen 1923/24 var rundt 15/09. Gikk via England for å
bunkre kull for sesongen.
Den nye hvalbåten var WEDDEL. Foruten nybygget så deltar
ROSS (1912), EDLE (1912), PORT STANLEY
gikk fra Port Stanley 04/11 med kurs for Bridgeman Island.
06/11passertes et isfjell og adskillig pakkis. Posisjonen var da 59° 46’
s. br. og 56° 49' v. l. Skipet gikk mellom mange større og mindre
isfjell videre inntil man nær Cape Melville møtte slak pakkis. 07/11
passertes Cape Melville hvor man møtte tett pakkis og en masse isfjell.
Man forserte seg så frem gjennom Bransfieldstredet mellom mange og store
isfjell og gjennom tett pakkis med kurs for Deception. 10/11 kom man hit
og fant havnen tilfrosset-. Isforholdene var noe ekstraordinære.
Bransfieldstredet var altså først i november fullt av is. Denne forsvant
nordøst- og østover, så man uten større vanskeligheter kunde komme frem
til Deception østfra midt i november.
1924 Fangstresultat etter sesongen 1923/24 ble ca. 34.600 fat
hvalolje, samt 17.890 sekker guano.
Fangstrederiene var tidligere i gang sesongen 1924/25.
gikk fra Port Stanley på Falkland 02/11 med kurs for Bridgeman Island.
Skipet kom uten is hindringer inn i Bransfieldstredet og kom 05/11 frem
til Deception. Under hele reisen observertes ikke nevneverdig is i
forhold til forrige sesong.
1928 I sesongen 1928/29, fanges langs iskanten i vestlige deler
av Sydishavet. Senere overflyttet til Syd-Shetlandsøyene sammen med
Sesongen startet 29/11-1928.
1929 Fangsten avsluttes 22/04-1929. Resultatet ble 50.042 fat
Sesongen 1929/30 fanget man igjen langs iskanten og flytter senere til
Syd-Shetlandsøyene. Denne gang med hvalbåtene PORT STANLEY
(II)(1925), ROSS I (1925) og CHARCOT
(1923). I tillegg kom hvalbåtene BRANSFIELD og
1930 Resultatet av sesongen 1929/30 ble 51.737 fat.
Igjen i fangst i Sydishavet i sesongen 1930/31. Også denne sesongen
hadde man 5 hvalbåter, men BRANSFIELD var erstattet med
1931 Resultatet av 1930/31 sesongen ble 58.244 fat hvalolje.
Lå i opplag i Tønsberg sesongen 1931/32. Alle norske ekspedisjoner lå i
opplag denne sesongen, unntagen Salvesen flåten
1932 Sesongen 1932/33 i opplag.
1933 I opplag i Tønsberg alle sesonger frem til omdisponering i
1937 RONALD deltok som transport og forsyningsskip for
kokeriet HEKTORIA sesongen 1937/38. Avgikk Tønsberg 10/11
med kurs for Aruba, NA for å ta bunkers til hvalflåten.
1938 Demonterer kokeriutstyret og for å sette RONALD i
regulær tankfart.
1939 Solgt til Knarrvik Sildoljefabrikk A/S (S. Bartz-Johannessen),
Bergen med tanke på bruk som flytende sildoljefabrikk.
1940 Solgt til Cie Maritime Belge (Lloyd Royal) S.A. Antwerpen,
Belgia under ombygningen. Omdøpt til MAFUTA. Tjenestegjorde under
alliert kommando under hele krigen.
1945 Tilbakelevert eierne.
1948 Solgt til Spermacet Whaling Co. Ltd (Jahre-gruppen: Anders
Jahre, Svend Foyn Bruun, Anton von der Lippe), Panama. Omdøpt til
JARAMA (kalt for Jahre-mærra på folkemunne i Sandefjord). Skipet
ombygges til hvalkokeri og skal samarbeide med den gamle hvalstasjonen
på Cape Lopez, Gabon som ”flytende landstasjon” da hun ikke har lov til
å bevege seg utenfor 4-mils grensen. Hun var ikke utstyrt med
opphalingsslipp for hval, derfor ble spekket kokt ut om bord, mens
kjøttet ble kokt og behandlet på landstasjonen. Av kjøttet ble det
produsert både olje og fôrmel. Det ble søkt om å overføre JARAMA
til norsk flagg, men dette ble avslått av norske myndigheter.
1949 I fangst for Spermacet Whaling Co. Ltd ut fra Cape Lopez med
8 hvalbåter. GOS I, GOS II, GOS IV,
Feltene utenfor Kongo hadde nå hvilt siden 1937.
Fangsten startet 19/06-1949 og avsluttet 14/10-1949. Utbytte ble 56.720
fat som tilsvarer 1.356 knølhval.
Bestemmelsene i Washington konvensjonen innskjerpes, og reglene sier nå
at kokerier som skal operere utenfor franske kolonier, også må ha fransk
lisens og føre fransk flagg. Grunnen var at de opererte innenfor
territorialfarvannet, og ble derfor regnet som landstasjoner. JARAMA
blir overført til fransk flagg og registreres i Port Gentil, Gabon, med
Sopecoba (Societé Congolaise de Peche de Baleines, Paris) S.A., Port
Gentil registrert som eiere.
1950 Overført til fransk flagg. Fangster for selskapene Sopecoba
S. A., Port Gentil og Spermacet Whaling Co., Panama.
Disponenter er Svend Foyn Bruun, Tønsberg. Norsk representant er Anders
Jahre & Co. A/S, Sandefjord. Fangstmateriellet består av kokeriet
JARAMA, landstasjonen i Cape Lopez, samt hvalbåtene GOS I,
I fangst ut fra Cape Lopez. Disponent var Svend Foyn Bruun, Tønsberg.
Fangsten startet på kysten av Gabon med 7 hvalbåter 22/06 og frem til
05/10. Det ble totalt fanget 1.404 knølhval denne sesongen, og
resultatet ble 63.065 fat hvalolje og 1.910 tonn fôrmel. Produksjonen
ble solgt til en pris av £100 pr. long ton.
1951 Fanger på kysten av Gabon med hvalbåtene GOS I,
og KOS X.
Resultatet blir 39.610 fat hvalolje, samt 2.210 fat spermolje.
1952 Settes i tankfart. Innblandet i kollisjon utenfor Tunis i
1955 Ankom 14/10 til Bremerhaven, Vest-Tyskland for hugging ved
Eisen u. Metall K.G. Lehr & Co. |
in English: |
Built as floating whaling factory RONALD by Robert Duncan, East
Yard, Port Glasgow,(sno. 345) for A/S Hektor (Nils Bugge), Tønsberg.
Launched 10/05 and delivered in the beginning of July.
She was the first vessel ever specially built for whaling purpose. Ship
price was 6,5 mill. NOK and replaced the old RONALD (I), and
factory ship BENGUELA lost during WW1.
All of her whaling equipment was installed at Jarlsø Verft and was
completed in mid-September. It was built with fixed tanks and had a
loading capacity of 42,917 barrels of whale oil.
The new RONALD
was intended to be used together with A/S Hektor’s shore station at
Deception. Permission was granted for the use of 5 catcher boats during
the season.
Went to Antarctica for the 1920/21 season with 6 catchers. The catchers
for the season were
(1911), PORT
STANLEY (1911),
(1910), ROSS
(1912), EDLE
(1912) and
(1912). The whaling commenced 23/11. A
/S Hektor was based at the
land station in Deception Bay, South Shetland Islands.
The result for the 1920/21 season was 804 whales, which amounted to
40.593 barrels of whale oil. The expedition left Deception 28/03 heading
for Montevideo, Uruguay. Arrived in Montevideo 06/04 where the whale
catchers were put in summer layup and maintenance.
continued to Tønsberg. Arrived at Tenvik 06/05 and went in the layup
buoy with her cargo still onboard inside. The cargo was not sold before
August and then at a worse price. She then went to Liverpool in the
autumn for docking and maintenance. After finishing her maintenance, she
went to Cardiff to load coal for the coming season. After loading 8,650
tonnes of coal, she returned to Tønsberg on 29/09.
Left Tønsberg 13/10 heading for the Southern Ocean and the season
1921/22 after receiving crew and equipment. Called Montevideo 09/11,
after a quick journey. Left Montevideo with 5 whale catchers 10/11 and
arrive at Deception 20/11.
Catch result after the 1921/22 season was 39.418 barrels of whale oil,
as well as 16.700 bags of guano.
departed Tønsberg 16/09 heading for a new season in the Southern Ocean.
The fleet left relatively early. This season, Southern Shetland did not
offer many ice obstacles. Therefore,
came through fog and hazy air 07/11 to the entrance of Nelson Strait. As
the fog was extremely dense, the course was set northeast to enter at
Cape Melville. The ship then went without ice obstacles around Cape
Melville and into Bransfield Strait. 08/11 the ship went to Deception
and anchored. The harbour was completely ice-free. During the entire
voyage from Port Stanley on the Falkland Islands to Deception Island, no
ice in sight. The catch started the same day but the supply of whales
was not good.
Catch result after the 1922/23 season was 38.417 barrels of whale oil,
as well as 16.700 bags of guano. The return trip began after the end of
the catch, 26/04. The return to Tønsberg was in the first half of June.
unloaded her cargo of whale oil at DeNoFa in Fredrikstad.
The whale catcher
was sold that autumn, and
kept as a spare boat until the new buildings were ready.
Departed for the 1923/24 season on around 15/09. Went via England to
bunker coal for the season. The new whale catcher is
In addition to the new building,
(1912), EDLE
(1912), PORT
STANLEY (1911)
was participating.
left Port Stanley 04/11 with a course for Bridgeman Island. 06/11 passed
an iceberg and several pack ice. The position was then 59°46'S. Lat. and
56°49'W. Long. The ship went between many larger and smaller icebergs
until near Cape Melville one encountered slack pack ice. 07/11 passed
Cape Melville where they met dense pack ice and a lot of icebergs. They
then forced their way through the Bransfield Strait between many and
large icebergs and through dense pack ice with courses for Deception.
10/11 they came here and found the harbour frozen-. The ice conditions
were somewhat extraordinary. The Bransfield Strait was thus only full of
ice in the beginning of November. This disappeared to the northeast and
east, so they could without much difficulty reach Deception from the
east in mid-November.
Catch result after the 1923/24 season was approx. 34,600 barrels of
whale oil, as well as 17,890 bags of guano.
The whaling companies were generally earlier in operation in the 1924/25
season. RONALD
left Port Stanley on Falkland 02/11 heading for Bridgeman Island. The
ship entered the Bransfield Strait without ice obstacles and arrived at
Deception on 05/11. During the entire trip, no significant ice was
observed compared to last season.
1928 The season of 1928/29, whaling along the ice edge in western
part of the Southern Seas. Later moved to the South Shetland area in
company with the catcher PORT STANLEY (1925), ROSS I
(1925) and CHARCOT (1923). The whaling season commenced on
1929 The season ended on 22/04-1929. The result was 50.042
barrels of whale oil.
The season of 1929/30, again whaling along the ice edge and later moving
back to the South Shetland Islands. These time with the catcher PORT
STANLEY (1925), ROSS I and CHARCOT. Additional
catchers were the BRANSFIELD (1924) and ROYDUR (1910 ex
1930 The result of the season 1929/30 was 51.737 bbl.
Again whaling in the Southern Seas during the season of 1930/31. Same
number of catchers, but BRANSFIELD replaced by KAI.
1931 The season result of 1930/31 was 58.244 bbl. of whale oil.
The season of 1931/32, she was laid up in Tønsberg as the rest of the
Norwegian whaling fleet. An exception was the fleet of Mr. Salvesen of
Leith, Scotland.
1932 The season of 1932/33, laid up in Tønsberg, as all seasons
until conversion to a transporter in 1938.
RONALD left Tønsberg on 10/11 as transport and supply ship for
Fl/F HEKTORIA for the season of 1937/38. Left Tønsberg
heading for Aruba to store up bunker oil for the whaling fleet during
the season.
1938 All whaling related equipment dismantled and taken ashore.
She started trading
as regular tanker.
1939 Sold to Knarrvik Sildoljefabrikk A/S (S. Bartz-Johannessen),
Bergen for use as floating herring oil factory.
1940 Further sold to Cie Maritime Belge (Lloyd Royal), S.A.
Antwerp in Belgium during reconstruction. Renamed MAFUTA. Served
under allied command throughout the war.
1945 Returned to owners.
1948 Sold to Spermacet Whaling Co., Ltd. (The Jahre Group: Anders
Jahre, Svend Foyn Bruun, Anton von der Lippe), Panama. Renamed JARAMA.
The ship is again converted to a whaling factory and will collaborate
with the old whaling station at Cape Lopez as a "floating shore station"
as she is not allowed to move beyond the 4-mile limit. She was not
equipped with a slipway for pickup for whales, so the blubber was cooked
on board while the meat was cooked and processed at the shore station.
Of the meat, both oil and feed flour were produced. It was tried to
transfer JARAMA to the Norwegian register, but this was rejected
by the Norwegian authorities.
1949 Whaling for Spermacet Whaling Co., Ltd from Cape Lopez in
French Congo with 8 whale catchers. GOS I, GOS II, GOS
KOS VII and KOS X. The fields outside Congo had now been
rested since 1937.
The catch starts 19/06-1949 and ends 14/10-1949. The result was 56,720
barrels, which corresponds to 1,356 humpback whales.
The provisions of the Washington Convention are being tightened, and the
rules now state that floating factory to operate outside French colonies
must also have French license and lead French flag. The reason was that
they operated within the territorial waters and were therefore
considered as land stations. JARAMA is transferred to French flag
and is registered in Port Gentil, French Congo, with Sopecoba (Societé
Congolaise de Peche de Baleines, Paris) S.A., Port Gentile registered as
JARAMA did still not have any slipway so all blubber was
processed on board, but the meat was handled by the shore station.
1950 Transferred to French flag. Catching for the companies
Sopecoba S. A., Port Gentil and Spermacet Whaling Co., Panama.
Manager are Svend Foyn Bruun, Tønsberg. Norwegian representative is
Anders Jahre & Co. A/S, Sandefjord. Capture material consists of the
JARAMA as factory skip, Cap Lopez shore station, as well as the
KOS II, KOS V and KOS XII as catchers.
Whaling from Cape Lopez,
French Congo. The manager was Svend Foyn Bruun, Tønsberg. Catch started
on the coast of Congo with 7 whalers 22/06-1950 and until 05/10-1950. A
total of 1,404 humpback whales were caught this season, and the result
was 63,065 barrels of whale oil and 1,910 tonnes of meat flour. The
production was sold at a price of £ 100 per. long tons.
1951 Catches on the coast of Gabon with the whale boats GOS I,
and KOS X.
The result is 39,610 barrels of whale oil and 2,210 barrels of sperm oil.
1952 JARAMA is pulled out of whaling and put in trade as
an oil tanker. Collided with another ship outside Tunis in June.
1955 Sold to Eisen und Metall K.G. Lehr & Co.for breaking.
Arrived Bremerhaven 24/10-1955. |